
How Nudges Can Be Sinister

How Nudges Can Be Sinister

Nudges are behavioral interventions that help us make better choices, like sticking to our diets. Sometimes, nudge theory is used in cunning ways to deter or slow down behavior change, resulting in sludges. Sludges emerge across contexts like cancelling subscriptions, filling out tedious forms, and the fine print. Designing sludges that harm consumers can often involve dark creativity.

Chicanery in 'Better Call Saul'

Chicanery in 'Better Call Saul'

The protagonist of the show 'Better Call Saul' is a creatively deceitful and morally dubious criminal lawyer. Research shows creativity often promotes dishonesty by increasing the ability to generate self-serving justifications for unethical behavior. It is also likely that the protagonist’s personality contributes to his malevolently creative nature.